
Leaky Bucket


The Leaky Bucket Story “A normal human is like a bucket that has water in it. This water represents energy. When the bucket loses water or it spills out …It can be replaced with more water, and generally stays the same… The Psychic vampire however is like a leaky bucket, with holes in the sides of the bucket…constantly losing water, or energy. The rate, at which one loses the water out of the bucket, depends on how “leaky” the psivamp is. Thus determining how often some psivamps need to feed.” This leaky bucket story (as there are many within the Vampire community) is a short anecdote that I first wrote in 1998, when I was a moderator frequenting an internet forum called “The Psyvamp Information Exchange”. Its initial purpose was to serve as a training tool, for newly awakened psivamps It was initially formulated after reading the book “The Secret Science behind Miracles” By Max Freedom Long; in which the author explains several meanings and symbols of vital force used by Hawaiian Kahunas (shamans). The symbol that Hawaiian Kahunas use to represent Vital Force or vital energy is water. This was due to vital energies tendency to flow, and occasionally “leak” depending on the state of the subtle bodies. The misconception is that this story was originally meant to describe psychic vampirism in general, when actually its original intent was to show why some psivamps need to feed more often than others. In certain Houses, you will undoubtedly find they differentiate the need to feed, with certain Castes.





Chakras are the Energy Centers of the body, In this section i will explain the Chakras and the Subtle Bodies. It is important to note before beginning that among psychic vampires with two trains of thought.. The Five chakra System and the Seven Chakra System

.With the five Chakra system vampires exclude the Chakras that do not work, or combine the energy Centers. For example they might exclude the navel chakra, and the Crown chakra. Or Exclude the navel and the Heart Chakra. Or combine the navel and heart chakra and the third eye and crown chakra.

Chakra Seven: The Crown Chakra-

Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is a connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -Frustrated, unrealized power, psychosis, or manic depressive.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-indecisive, sense of loneliness, constantly tired.

Balanced-(correct speed)-Achieves miracles, at peace, transcendant

Chakra Six:-Third Eye Chakra Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us “see the big picture.”

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -arrogant, highly logical

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-fear of success, Schizophrenia, undisciplined.

Balanced-(correct speed)-attuned to phychic phenomenon, highly intuitive, charismatic.

Chakra Five: Throat Chakra Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -arrogant, overtalkative, self righteous.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-unreliable, shifting views, stiffled self expression.

Balenced-(correct speed)-Excellent communicator, inspired artistically, content.

Chakra Four: The Heart Chakra

Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -over dramatic, possessive, emotionally abusive.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-loves too much, feels unworthy to recieve love, may not be able to recieve love.

Balenced-(correct speed)-loves unconditionally, desires spiritual experience in lovemaking, compassionate.

Chakra Three: The Navel Chakra

Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -Controlling, angry, judgemental.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-fearful of being alone, fearing what others think, insecure.

Balenced-(correct speed)-.personally empowered, respects self and others, uninhibited.

Chakra Two: The Sacral Chakra

Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -manipulative, sexual addict, emotionally unbalanced.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-self guilt, over sensitive, impotent, frigid.

Balanced-(correct speed)-Expressive, attuned to emotions, creative, sexually healthy.

Chakra One: The Root Chakra

Earth, Physical identity, the fight or flight response. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.

Too Open-(spinning too fast) -self centered, aggressive, materialistic.

Blocked-(Doesnt Spin, or spins slowly)-low self esteem, self destructive behavior, fearful.

Balanced-(correct speed)-High energy, grounded, healthy.


Subtle Bodies



Physical body- The Physical body is of course not counted as a subtle body….since its physical.

The Etheric Body (First Layer)

The etheric body (derived from the word “ether” the state between energy and matter) is composed of miniscule energy lines; like an interconnected web of light strings.. The Overall structure of the Etheric is the same as thePhysical body, energetically referencing all the organs and body parts.
The etheric body consists an energy matrix which the physical matter of the body tissues is influencially shaped and anchored by . In other words the etheric body exists prior to the physical body .. I.E. When a lizard loses its leg, or a plant grows a new leaf..it already exists on the etheric plane.

Some Psychic vampires see it as, sparks of bluish-white light .. some don’t see the color, but see just the movement of energy.

The etheric body extends from one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates about 15-20 cycles a min..

The color of the etheric body varies from light blue to gray. The light blue color has been connected to a finer form than the gray. An athletetic person tends to have a grayish etheric body , where as a sensitive tends to have a more bluish one. The Chakras of this body ussaully seem to appear as the same color as the etheric body, the stereotypical colors when refering to the chakras are located in the emotional body.

The etheric body is essentially responsble for setting up the overall matrix of the physical body.

The Etheric body can ussually be seen by the naked eye if you put your hand on a light or dark surface in low light, if that doesnt work you might also want to try glazing your eyes over , or losing focus for a moment..

Emotional Body (Second Layer)

The second auric body, is the emotional body, and obviously is associated with feelings.It follows the outline of the human body in a braod manner. It is a very fluidic structure.To some , it appears to be colored clouds of fine substance in a constant fluidic motion. It ussually can be seen anywhere from one to three inches from the physical body. This body interpenetrates the denser bodies that it surrounds. Which is why emotional energy is very strong. The colors of the emotional body, vary from bright clear hues to dark muddy ones, discussed later in the energy soucres section.

Typically the stronger and more clear the feeling is, the brighter it is..even the negative emotions.. But unlear and confused emotions tend to appear a bit muddy. The Chakras of the emotional body appear in the Rainbow style colors often refered to in texts and pictures..

Crown Chakra – White

Brow Chakra – Indigo

Throat Chakra – Sky Blue

Heart Chakra – bright green or pinkish red

Navel Chakra – Yellow

Genital Chakra – Red-Orange

Base Chakra – Red

Mental Body (Third Layer) “The third aura body is the mental body. This body extends beyond the emotional and is composed of still finer substances, all of which are associated with thoughts and mental processes. This body usually appears as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes. It extends from three to eight inches (7.5 to 20 cm) from the body

The mental body is also a structured body. It contains the structure of our ideas. This body is mostly yellow. Within this field can be seen thought forms. They appear to be blobs of varying brightness and form. These thought forms have additional colors superimposed on them, actually emanating from the emotional level. The color represents the person’s emotion that is connected to the thought form. The clearer and more well-formed the idea, the clearer and more well-formed is the thought form associated with that idea. We enhance these thought forms by focusing on the thoughts they represent. Habitual thoughts become very powerful well-formed forces that then affect our lives. This body has been the hardest for me to observe. This may be partly caused by the fact that human beings are really just beginning todevelop the mental body and are just beginning to use their intellects in clear ways. For that reason we are very conscious of mental activity and consider ourselves an analytical society.

The Astral Level (Fourth Layer)

“The astral body is amorphous and is composed of clouds of color more beautiful than those of the emotional body. The astral body tends to have the same set of colors, but they are usually infused with the rose light of love. It extends out about one half to one foot (15 to 30 cm) from the body. The chakra are the same octave of colors as the rainbow of the emotional body, but each is infused with the rose light of love. The heart chakra of a loving person is full of rose light on the astral level.

When people fall in love, beautiful arcs of rose light can be seen between their hearts, and a beautiful rose color is added to the normal golden pulsations I observe in the pituitary gland. When people form relationships with each other, they grow cords out of the chakras that connect them. These cords exist on many levels of the auric field in addition to the astral. The longer and deeper the relationship, the more cords and the stronger they are. When relationships end, those cords are torn, sometimes causing a great deal of pain. The period of “getting over” a relationship is usually a period of disconnecting those cords on the lower levels of the field and rerooting them within the self.

A great deal of interaction takes place between people on the astral level. Great blobs of color of various forms whisk across the room between people. Some of it is pleasant and some not so pleasant. You can feel the difference. You may feel uneasy about someone across the room who is apparently not even aware of your presence; however on another level a lot is happening. I have seen people standing next to each other in a group pretending not to notice each other, when on the energy level there is a whole communication taking place with lots of energy forms moving between them. You have no doubt experienced this yourself, especially between men and women. It is not just body language; there is an actual energetic phenomenon that can be perceived.. For example, when a man or woman fantasize about making love with someone, say in a bar or at a party, there is an actual testing in the energy fields to see if the fields are synchronous and if the people are compatible.”

The Etheric Template Body (Fifth Layer)

“I call the fifth layer of the aura the etheric template because it contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a blue-print or template form. That is, it looks rather like the negative of a photograph. It is the template form for the etheric layer which as was already stated is the template form for the physical body. The etheric layer of the energy field derives its structure from the etheric template layer. It is the blueprint or the perfect form for the etheric layer to take. It extends from about one and one half to two feet (45 to 60 cm) from the bodu. In disease, when the etheric layer becomes disfigured, etheric template work is needed to provide the support for the etheric layer in its original template form. It is the level at which sound creates matter. It is at this level that sounding in healing is the most effective. To my clairvoyant sight, these forms appear as clear or transparent lines on a cobalt blue background, much like an architect’s blueprint, only this blueprint exists in another dimension. It is as if a form is made by completely filling in the background space, and the empty space left creates the form.

The etheric template is the template for the etheric body, which then forms the grid structure (structured energy field) upon which the physical body grows. Thus, the etheric template level of the universal energy field contains all the shapes and forms that exist on the physical plane, except on the template level. These exist in negative space, creating an empty space in which the etheric grid structure grows and upon which all physical manifestation exists.

The Celestial Body (Sixth Layer)

“The sixth level is the emotional level of the spiritual plane, called the celestial body. It extends about two to two and a half feet (60 to 75 cm) from the body. It is the level through which we experience spiritual ecstasy. We can reach it through meditation and many forms of transformation work. When we reach the point of “being”, where we know our connection with all the universe, when we see the light and love in everything that exists, when we are immersed in the light and feel we are of it and it is us and feel that we are one with God, then we have raised our consciousness to the sixth level of the aura.

Unconditional love flows when there is a connection between the open heart chakra and the open celestial chakra. In this connection, we combine the love of humanity, our basic human love for our fellow humans in the flesh, with the spiritual ecstasy found in the spiritual love that goes beyond the physical reality to all the realms of existence. Combining these two creates the experience of unconditional love.

The celestial body appears to me in beautiful shimmering light, composed mostly of pastel colors. This light has a gold-silver shine and opalescent quality, like mother of pearl sequins. Its form is less defined than the etheric template level in that it simply appears to be composed of light that radiates out from the body like the glow around a candle. Within this glow are also brighter, stronger beams of light

The Ketheric Template or Causal Body (Seventh Layer)

“The seventh level is the mental level of the spiritual plane called the ketheric template. It extends from about two and one half to three and one half feet (75 to 105 cm) from the body. When we bring our consciousness to the seventh level of the aura, we know that we are one with the Creator. The outer form is the egg shape of the aura body and contains all the auric bodies associated with the present incarnation an individual is undergoing. This body, too, is a highly structured template. It appears to my vision as composed of tiny threads of gold-silver light of very strong durability that hold the whole form of the aura together. It contains a golden grid structure of the physical body and all the chakras.

When “tuning” into the frequency level of the seventh layer, I perceive beautiful golden shimmering light that is pulsating so fast that I use the term “shimmering!’ It looks like thousands of golden threads. The golden egg form extends out beyond the body some three to three and a half feet depending on the person with the smaller tip beneath the feet and the larger end about three feet above the head. It can expand even more, if the person is very energetic. The outer edge actually looks like an eggshell to me; it appears to have a thickness of about a quarter to a half inch (6 to 13 mm). This outer part of the seventh layer is very strong and resilient, resistant to penetration and protects the field just as an eggshell protects the chick. All the chakras and body forms appear to be made of golden light on this level. This is the strongest, most resilient level of the auric field.

It could be likened to a standing lightwave of intricate shape and form vibrating at an extremely high rate. One can almost hear a sound when looking at it. I’m sure a sound could be heard if one meditated on such a picture. The golden template level also contains the main power current that runs up and down the spine and is the main power current that nourishes the whole body. As this golden power current pulsates up and down the spine, it carries energies through the roots of each chakra and connects the energies that are taken in through each chakra.

The main vertical power current induces other currents at right angles to it to form golden streamers that extend directly outward from the body. These in turn induce other currents that circle around the field, so that the entire auric field and all the levels below it are surrounded and held within this basket-like network. This network shows the power of the golden light, the divine mind that holds the whole field together in its entirety and its integrity.

In addition, in the ketheric template level are also the past life bands within the eggshell. These are colored bands of light which completely encircle the aura and can be found anywhere on the eggshell surface. The band found near the head-neck area is usually the band containing the past life that you are working to clear in your present life circumstance. The ketheric level is the last auric level in the spiritual plane. It contains the life plan and is the last level directly related to this incarnation. Beyond this level is the cosmic plane, the plane that cannot be experienced from the limiting viewpoint of only one incarnation




One of the most common uses of psionics is the creation of constructs. Constructs are a form of psionics and energy play that are quite useful to learn because they can help you develop adequate shielding a lot quicker. Both feeding and shielding are important, but you can’t do either with complete effectiveness; without first learning psionics. Through the years my students have often approached me and asked the question: “What exactly is a construct?” A Construct is a magickal manipulation or entity (usually non-sentient) created either for psionics, training purposes, or to manage certain tasks.

The Psi-Ball

The most famous construct you can create using psionics is the psi-ball.

Step 1- Pick a location from which you are going to gather energy. (This can either be the earth, the universe, another power source. or your own personal energy)

Step 2- Put your hands about 1cm apart from each other. Then focus the energy flowing from the location you selected, through your body and into your hands, and outwards into the space between. While doing this envision the energy forming a sphere or bubble.

Step 3 – With each breath put more energy into the sphere, and feel the sphere grow.

Step 4- once the sphere reached the desired size slightly press against it will normally have some push/pull effect with it…If you are done bring the energy back into you. Some other things you can try…

Step 5- once you created the sphere the size you want it, try putting a certain emotion or intoning it with a specific thought. Intone it with happiness or sadness. You might want to try intoning the construct with fire or ice energy, be creative.

Step 6- Together with another person try a game of catch. Passing or throwing the psi-balls back at each other. You can even try charging it each time with a different emotion or energy.

Step 7- Test the cohesion of your psi-ball, and your sensing techniques by playing a game of “construct hide and seek”. This fun exercise is done by hiding a psi-ball or construct somewhere in the room, then having another person try to find it.


Word Constructs

In some religions and mystical traditions the universe was created with a word. But in order for there be a word, there must be a language, and in order for there to be a language, there must first be a thought. Some would continue this reasoning and say that before there was a thought there was an “intent/impulse”, and prior to the intent there was a “vibration” or “harmonic resonance”. Hence why the saying “It all began with a thought” is one of the most simplistic and yet most profound philosophical sayings. The ancient Greek Parmenides, who’s philosophies greatly influenced Plato; is known for his writings of two poems: The Way of Truth, and The Way of Opinion. The first philosophical poem describes the unchanging timeless existence of reality, or the ultimate reality. The later poem explains the world as false, misleading and deceptive; as it is one’s own perception of reality that makes it false. This is because it’s the reality of the individual (which is merely the appearance of a microcosmic reality) cannot grasp the reality of the entire world (macrocosm). In essence, words are the energetic constructs of thoughts; these thoughts are individual perceptions of a microcosmic reality. In order to communicate with other individuals in the world, shared thoughts are created into words. However it is possible to give a widely known word a different thought, or intoning it in such a way that it may be used to feed or give energy. It is the thought behind the actual word that has the power. Every time I have taught this to my students, and have encountered people that are resistant to this lesson, I have always given a bastardized version of an old Buddhist narrative. The skeptics, who think that words have no power, are simple minded idiots. At which time the students commonly get confrontational, and I reply: If words don’t have any power, than why are you getting angry? After all they’re only words. It’s usually at that point they become aware of what just occurred, and it dawns on them that they were in fact affected negatively by the words that were spoken. The psychological definition of emotional vampires suggests that these types of people use word and vocal constructs that are always negative, destructive or aggressive; in order to obtain energy or what they may be emotionally lacking. While these are all ways to render a person powerless, impotent, and take energy, they are not the hallmarks of skill. . An example of the negative implications of speech can be found in the common phrase “well at least it can’t get any worse!” which is used to express one’s own helplessness or impotence in a situation, and in its own right has proven to be a self-defeating curse, as things can always get worse. Phrases like this can reinforce these subconscious belief systems and ideas, literally taking away the power from a person as they speak. I’d like to offer the suggestion to those that may say phrases like this to try and change their vocal constructs to something more empowering. By simply changing your word structure you are literally re-empowering yourself.


Tonal Constructs

While words play an important role in some forms of magick, so do tonal or musical constructs. These sounds can have specific thoughts behind them to create both an emotional and magickal impact. Two instances of this are Enochian calls and druidic song-spells. Tonal constructs can be used to form a harmonic connection between groups of people. Bands like the Grateful Dead and Phish use their energy and tonal constructs within the elaborate music to both give and take energy. This give and take may not be the initial intent of the musicians writing the music, especially concerning recorded music. However it’s essential to comprehend the difference between recorded music and live music. Live music is different, in that it has both a prana and an energy vibration, which allows for a give and take which is amplified through the crowd’s emotions. The band’s aesthetic, stage props, lighting, pyrotechnics and personas all collide to play a part in giving life to and heightening the stories of the songs being played; and amplifying the emotional responses of the listeners; which inadvertently causes a strong emotional reaction and harmonic resonance with the musician. Bands often begin by heightening and refining a concert and the crowd’s energy to a point where both are in an ecstatic state when both the crowd and band are receptive. These heightened states are similar to those achieved by whirling dervishes and Tantric practitioners. News anchors, call centers, and other aspects of the communication industry all deliberately use these tonal constructs as well as rhythm in order to reinforce information. The next time you turn on the evening news, try to tune out the words and only listen to the up and down vocalizing sounds of what the news anchor or reporter is saying. Internet Feeding “Ha! You can’t feed on me, I’m using Microsoft Psychic Shield 8.2 with Remote Viewing Guard!”-Anonymous psivamp.org Member Words are powerful manifestations of thought, if spoken words can have an impact on the physical world, so can the written words. Whether reading a document, post, or talking with someone on an instant messenger; it is possible for you to be affected by a person who has left a word construct. It’s sometimes one of the most annoying topics that persistently occur in the vampire community, but the answer is generally the same, if you don’t want to be affected; shield or filter. Mind Munching If thoughts and written words can charge or drain, so can the spoken word. Though it may not present itself how you might think. A conversation involving three or more people is commonplace for a term I call “mind munching”. This technique though highly unethical, involves a typical conversation in which two psychic vampires are conversing with a mundane. They may either intone their words with thoughts designed to feed, or they may be telepathically reading the person as they talk, literally pulling thoughts out of the persons head with each spoken word. If you feel like you are experiencing this in a conversation, it’s best to remove yourself from the immediate area as soon as possible and avoid physical contact with the individuals. Advanced Constructs After you become proficient in creating psi-balls you can create more advanced constructs or wards to accomplish certain tasks, be designated as magickal wards, or even to gather energy to bring back to you. They are non-sentient thought-forms. When beginning an advance construct I like taking the psi energy and using the thumb and forefinger of each of my hands. I then begin slowly with bits of energy create a small psi-ball. This micro psi-ball will form the nucleus of your construct. Continue to charge it with energy, but let it grow in layers. The reason for using layers is because with each layer a different thought or instruction will be given, think of the construct like a computer program and give it basic commands. An example of some simple instructions would be: 1. Go out and get ambient energy from the room. 2. Do not feed on the vital energy of others. 3. Keep some energy to maintain form and function. 4. Return to me with the rest of the energy. 5. Go out and repeat steps 1 through 4. Another way you might also want to phrase the advanced construct instructions is by programming it in the first person perspective; like this: 1. I will go out and get ambient energy from different rooms. 2. I will not feed on the vital energy of others. 3. I will keep some energy to maintain my form and function. 4. I will return to my creator the rest of the energy I do not require. 5. I will repeat this process. In this case there are five levels or layers to this construct followed by a six layer of energy which I’ll explain now. The last layer of the construct should give it its form. You are sealing the nucleus of the construct with an outer shell. This type of construct I like to envision as having something with tendrils. But it can be given any appearance. Another consideration you might want to program into your construct is the lifespan of the construct. Constructs like servitors, if properly programmed, can gain a form of autonomy if left unchecked for long periods of time. Finger Knitting Another variant of this type of construct utilizes a technique I call finger knitting. This technique involves intermingling instructions, and knitting them tightly together in a tapestry. Often times one of the draw backs of a construct composed of layers is that it can be stripped of those layers and instructions and torn to bits, by sequential attacks.


After you become proficient in creating psi-balls you can create more advanced constructs or wards to accomplish certain tasks, be designated as magickal wards, or even to gather energy to bring back to you. They are non-sentient thought-forms.
When beginning an advance construct I like taking the psi energy and using the thumb and forefinger of each of my hands. I then begin slowly with bits of energy create a small psi-ball. This micro psi-ball will form the nucleus of your construct. Continue to charge it with energy, but let it grow in layers. The reason for using layers is because with each layer a different thought or instruction will be given, think of the construct like a computer program and give it basic commands. An example of some simple instructions would be:

1. Go out and get ambient energy from the room.
2. Do not feed on the vital energy of others.
3. Keep some energy to maintain form and function.
4. Return to me with the rest of the energy.
5. Go out and repeat steps 1 through 4.

Another way you might also want to phrase the advanced construct instructions is by programming it in the first person perspective; like this:
1. I will go out and get ambient energy from different rooms.
2. I will not feed on the vital energy of others.
3. I will keep some energy to maintain my form and function.
4. I will return to my creator the rest of the energy I do not require.
5. I will repeat this process.

In this case there are five levels or layers to this construct followed by a six layer of energy which I’ll explain now. The last layer of the construct should give it its form. You are sealing the nucleus of the construct with an outer shell. This type of construct I like to envision as having something with tendrils. But it can be given any appearance.


Designing a Servitor The creation of your own servitor is more complex and involved than that of a construct; however the principles are the same. Here are a few more details you’ll want to consider before creating your servitor: the lifespan of the servitor- Do you want it to live for a day? A year? 1000 years?
Name of the servitor-What are you going to call it? Is it something you will always remember? Does the name itself inspire whatever meaning, purpose, or imagery, you are trying to instill it with?
Sigil of the servitor- Is it your own design? Created from an Enochian tablet? A Particular Doctrine? Purely a text? Purely an image?
Bound to a physical object- Do you want to bind it to a physical object? Does the object have meaning to you? Is it something that will be passed down through the generations? Is the physical object made of crystal? Wood? Metal?
Times of operation- When will the servitor perform its desired function? Will if only work in the morning or night? When it is needed? When you are being attacked?
Shape definition or outward appearance.-Will it take the form of a person? Elemental being? Mythical creature?


Egregores A servitor is a rather simple creation compared to that of an Egregore. An Egregore is similar to a servitor however it is created by a collective or group mind, of which a form of symbiosis occurs. It is considered to be fully sentient. Psychic Vampire.org has created its own Egregore, but is not widely known within the vampire community.





Origin Theories

There are many different theories of origin, these theories and or memories have sometimes translated into the forming of various Houses.  Others however are just speculative and haven’t really been accepted. . In some circles of the Vampire Community belief in these origin theories is considered mental masturbation, since it can’t be proven; but nonetheless; These are some of the current theories. Theories are arranged alphabetically , and not in order of acceptance.


Some people think they are possessed. By a demon or other entity. As ridiculous as this sounds to some, This may actually be representative of Astral Symbiotics, taking a host.

Alien (Starseed) Vampire Theory

There are a rare few psychic vampires that believe themselves to be Alien vampires..Otherkin from vampiric alien races or the product, of energetic manipulation/alteration of their souls. Many otherkin vampires feel that they are vampiric due to an inability to process the local energy as they did in their home worlds.. Among those said to have done this are the Plieadians , Draconians, Orions, and Reptilians ..ect…

Atlantean Alteration

This theory delves into Atlantean mythology, saying a certain priest caste of Atlanteans, cut altered themselves spiritually, and decided to evolve as vampires.


The short version: Cain Killed Abel. God gave Cain a special mark and declared that any who killed him would suffer vengeance “sevenfold.” Cain was then banished to the Land of Nod, east of Eden. To Some Cain is considered the first vampire.



Some people believe that they were cursed or Damned by God…or Any Deity. Pretty much, similar to the Cain theory.


Some Believe they are the result of a disease. .Particularly the K-17 virus and or the V-5 virus …Unfortunately these viruses and diseases are fictional…They got this from the media.

Though porphyria /Xeroderma Pigmentosum are actual Genetic disorders that causes a lack of a specific enzyme in order to make heme.. (Garlic is known to agitate this condition to dangerous levels.) Hence where the myths of Garlic comes from.

Egyptian  Alteration

The Egyptian alteration refers to a period in time in which a group of souls chose to be altered, for their spiritual persuits.The Alteration severed their silver cord and, also broke/removed/ their navel chakra, and pretty much hotwired their subtle body. The resulting process was that they became vampiric,.But are able to progress spiritually with full awareness of past lifetimes.


There are some Psychic Vampires out there, that believe that they are the next evolutionary step in human evolution. Most feel superior to psychics, whom they see as their prime food source. This type of psychic vampire is mre concerned with the quality of psychic energy and level, than the quanity. They feed in order to maintain a higher psychic or psionic level than their bodies can naturally produce.


In Jewish mysticism Lilith is the first wife of Adam, who is eventually cast out of Eden. she refused to comply with Adam’s demand that she submit herself to him, and in the end fled from him by using the Ineffable Name. Adam then complained to God about his loneliness, and the creation of Eve followed, together with the “Fall” and the Expulsion from Eden. Adam, blaming this on Eve, separated from her, and for a time reunited with Lilith, before finally returning to Eve. Lilith bore Adam a number of children in this interval, who became demons. After Adam’s reconciliation with Eve, Lilith assumed the Queenship of the Demons; in some kabbalist versions she is the consort of Samael, in others she remains Single

One of the origin beliefs is that these demons were actually the first Vampires. And that Eden, Is actually referring to the spiritual plain, the expulsion is the transcendence of the spirit to the physical world. Therefore when Lilith bore the children these demons actually vampires.

To others, Lilith is considered to be the first Vampire.


Actually This theory, isn’t necessarily on origin but on genetics. Some Psychic Vampires believe That Merovech, the Frankish chief; was a vampire, and the Merovingian line , from which perhaps 10s of thousands of families are descendants of, passed on a recessive genetic trait, of vampirism.  This Theory is Most closely associated with House Quinotaur.

Nephilim or Watcher Theory

Due to the Head heart hands relationship of some psychic vampires, it has left part of the community to come up with the theory that they are remnants of the Nephilim.  or part angelick or fallen angel. The Nephilim were the children of Human mothers and a group of Angels Called “Watchers”.   One of the legends says that a single Nephilim survived by hiding in a cave that was sealed water tight. Hence, was able to propagate a line later.


Some people think they are possessed. By a demon or other entity. As ridiculous as this sounds to some, This may actually be representative of Astral Symbiotics, taking a host. .


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