• Fake Psychic Readings
Christin Medium
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Christin Medium
2.9 (58.49%) 53 vote[s]
  • Owned by: Harvest Direct Ltd.

Christin Medium Review

Psychic Readings Available

  • Email readings


Pros and Cons

  • None this is a fake psychic site
  • They sell fake psychic readings via email.

Is Christin Medium A Reliable Psychic Or A Scam?

Most people who contact a psychic do so during times of trouble, uncertainty or doubt. In other words, when they are vulnerable. Psychics know this which is why the good psychics will practice compassion and integrity, to help you find your way in life. But it’s also why scammers are prone to faking psychic services. It’s so easy for scammers to take advantage of somebody’s problems, just so they can line their pockets. So, we decided to take a look to see which category Christin Medium falls into.

So when you are looking for a reading, it’s essential to take care in choosing the right psychic for you. Psychic scammers are known for creating more problems for vulnerable people and also for filling them with more anxiety and doubt than they started with.

Christin Medium may seem like a kindly lady. However, after finding so many similar psychic sites who also have kind looking ‘psychics’, we set out to find out whether Christin Medium is a real psychic. Is she worth your money or is she a fake?

Keep on reading to find out more.

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  5. Get answers from your psychic advisor via phone or chat.

Who Is Christin Medium?

Christin Medium, according to her website, is a second-generation psychic who ‘feels benevolent presences’ which she calls ‘forces of light’. She claims to read auras and perceive immaterial forces like ‘the flow of luck energy’.

Apparently, this luck energy attracts positive energies and repels hostile energy. Enabling Christin to become a genuine magnet for positive energy.

And if you thought that was a whole load of nonsense, you’d be about right! It’s purposefully nonsensical, and we’ll cover why further on in this review.

In the meantime, let’s uncover who Christin really is because she is not what she seems, at all!

Who Christin Medium Really Is

It might be surprising to learn that Christin Medium is not a real person. She’s a character created to represent a psychic. And the company who owns the website ‘Christin Medium’ probably created the character, Christin. That company is Harvest Direct Limited; based in Hong Kong.

Companies who own websites such as Christin Medium are usually digital marketing companies who use their marketing prowess for bad rather than good.

This scam system works by carefully selecting a stock image of a kind and approachable-looking stock image model to represent a psychic. This ‘psychic’ will offer a free reading to capture your email address and then using smart words and manipulation to encourage you to buy a paid psychic service from them.

Once you have signed up for a free reading, that’s when the marketing company will begin to send you emails that will manipulate you into wanting a reading. And in some cases, they will fool you into believing that you need one.

Open Licence E-Books

The products for sale on these websites are usually open-license ebooks that are readily available online. You can be sure that if you were to purchase one of these items, that you’ll need to input your email address to confirm the order. This process is because all of the ‘sales’ activity made by Harvest Direct, under the guise of Christin Medium, will be completed behind the scenes and away from the public eye… Via email.

In other words, Christin is not a real psychic, nor are there any real psychics involved with any of her services. Instead, the emails you receive in the form of a reading will be highly suggestible, hypnotic, and manipulative. They are designed to take your money.

It’s a psychic scam.

It’s not a good service for you, but it’s great for the owner of the website. All they need to do is promote this ‘marketing system’ and then sit back and watch the money roll in.

How Christin Medium Uses Suggestible Language To Hook You In

You can see how the manipulation begins right away. All you need to do is read a few paragraphs in Christin’s ‘about me’ section!

Christin proposes that she can see your ‘good luck energy’. And because she is claiming that as one of her specialties, she’ll definitely appeal to some people. Who wouldn’t want to know where the good luck energy was in the world?

So if you can believe that it’s possible for a psychic to tap into energy (which it is), then you may also think that they can find pockets of good energy which can then be drawn to you. Or that you could be led to. Now you know know that Christin is a psychic who could potentially do this for you. The seed has been sown. You will probably begin to consider ‘Christin’ to be a viable and desirable psychic for you.

Christin also claims to be able to attract positive energy and repel the hostile energy because she’s a magnet for positive energy.  She also states that she has complete mastery over her gift but cannot use it on herself. So works to help others.

In other words, Christin is the psychic to go to because she has just positioned herself as being the one person who can play God with your life! She does this by repelling bad energy and bringing in the good, which would be fantastic if it were true, but it’s another seed that is sown.

What Happens Next?

Now you can be sure that when you begin to receive emails from Christin, they will warn you about negative or hostile energy that will be looming. They’ll talk about blockages that might have prevented you from attracting positive energy. They’ll also introduce ways and techniques that will help you repel the negative energy.

Such tools will be readings, psychic healings, incantations, talismans, prayers, spells, meditations and probably a multitude of other creative variations on psychic services that they can think of.  And if you believe even some of this, then you will be very likely to decide to purchase a cleansing or healing to help you find your way to positive energy and good luck.

Reality Check

The fact of the matter is that no psychic can manipulate energy in that way at all; they don’t have such powers over you or energy. Psychic ability just doesn’t work that way, and the best psychics don’t make such ridiculous claims.

These suggestions are all sales copy to get you to purchase something from the company who owns the website. If you are buying a cleansing or healing, be prepared; no cure will be carried out. There will be no special meditation or prayer for you. If you receive a product, it won’t be magical. The readings that you may receive will all be fake, and written by a copywriter; not a psychic!  

That’s because this is a psychic scam.

What To Do If You Are Caught Up In This Scam

Have you found yourself caught up in this cycle and are you afraid of missing out? Or are you worried that you have been cursed or something? If so, don’t contact the people telling you this anymore.

Instead, we suggest you get a second opinion by contacting a reputable psychic provider like Psychic Source or Keen. Let them know what has happened and ask them for guidance. They’ll give you the full picture and also explain how and why you may have got caught up in this situation.

And the beauty of Keen Psychics is that all psychics are verified and monitored, and you are guaranteed satisfaction. So this means that if you stumble across another fake psychic trying to manipulate you, Keen will pick it up and fix it. But that won’t happen because they have an excellent reputation to uphold.

What Services Does Christin Medium Provide?

Christin offers a few psychic related products, as previously mentioned, and free readings. Through email, she’ll begin to offer other services that will be designed to give you the impression that they repel bad energy and harness good energy.

How Do We Rate Christin Medium Readings

We don’t rate readings from Christin Medium because they are not psychic at all. They are just smart sales copy, designed to scam you out of your money.

Is Christin Medium Legit?

Christin Medium is not real; her image is of a model, and you can use it too if you subscribe to stock image companies. All of the words on her site are not written by, nor do they represent the person in the image.

Everything is fake. This is a business website, created by a marketing company to make money and give zero value to its customers. It’s hard to believe that people get away with such scams today, but they do, and there are quite a few of them around.

You’d do well to avoid Christin.

How Does the Service from Christin Medium Compare To That Of Psychic Source?

Website Navigation

The navigation at Keen Psychics is immaculate. The site is modern and has been built to meet all of your requirements as a customer; There is tons of information; all of it is easy to navigate.   

When it comes to Christin’s website, you’ll see immediately that it’s straightforward. So, it’s easy to navigate.

The Quality of The Readings

We’ve already explained in detail how and why readings from Christin Medium are fake and automated. The quality of any reading from Christin is going to be poor and pretty useless. After all, what’s the point of a fake reading?

Keen Psychics, on the other hand, host a variety of readers, all of whom have been recruited and verified by them. Keen also monitors the psychics who work for them, which means that their readings, in general, are excellent. But if you do happen to have a poor experience, they also help you out in that situation too by offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You can’t lose with them.  

The variety of readings at Keen is also broad, there are plenty of different options to choose from. Finally, all readings are live, which means that you can talk in person to your psychic in real-time, rather than receiving a pre-written and generic email reading.

Choice of Services

We acknowledge that with any independent psychic, you only have a limited selection of reading styles. That’s because most psychics only master a few psychic disciplines. So, with Christin, you only receive the automated readings we have already mentioned. This lack of choice is understandable, but the automated factor is not!

With Keen, you’ll have access to tarot card readings, astrology reports, rune readings, and medium readings.


We don’t know how much Christin will charge for her readings because she doesn’t provide the facility to purchase a reading directly from her website.  The only option you have is to request a ‘free reading’ or purchase a few psychic related products, all of which are permanently on sale for $19 and are very likely to be open-license books that anybody can put their name on. That’s what most of these sites tend to sell. 

Keen is clear about their prices; each psychic chooses the price they want to charge, and fees can range from $4 per minute upwards. Although, if you are a new customer, you enjoy your first ten minutes for just $1.99.

Service Guarantees 

There’s no money-back guarantee or any other service guarantee with Christin. You do receive a full satisfaction guarantee from Keen though!

The Psychic Verification Process

We can’t verify Christin positively. All we have is evidence of fake readings and potentially false testimonials which cannot be confirmed. Christin does nothing to prove herself by using sources outside of her website. We cannot find out anything about Christin, not even her real name. In fact, we don’t know what ‘she’ looks like because the image used is a stock image. So, all of this means that Christin is not, and cannot be verified.

Keen goes out of their way to explain how they verify their psychics. They make sure that they only have the best psychics and maintain standards by monitoring them too. This offers you peace of mind that your money is well spent if you use them.

Christin Medium, Yet Another Scam Psychic

Once again, we have to inform you that we have stumbled across another scam psychic. The person who represents Christin Medium is a model. She’s not involved in the business ‘Christin Medium’, and she doesn’t write the fake readings.

There is no psychic behind the scenes either. It’s all smoke and mirrors; a clever scam to take your money. We suggest that you avoid this scam psychic. If you are looking for a real reading, check out the links below – we’ve listed some of the best psychic providers in the business.

We recommend our top-reviewed psychic providers listed below. We can guarantee that the psychics you find there are legit, monitored, verified and real.

Here Are Our Top-Rated Psychic Providers

Click the links and follow the instructions to book your reading now. 

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