3 Free Minutes + 50% off your first session
  • 300+ accurate readers
  • Established since 1999
  • Best for Fortune Telling, Palm Reading & Spells
Kasamba Psychics
Based on 50 user ratings
Kasamba Psychics
4.5 (90.8%) 50 vote[s]
  • Launched: 1999

Kasamba Psychics Review

Psychic Readings Available

  • Email readings
  • SMS readings
  • Phone readings
  • Horoscope readings
  • Tarot readings
  • Free readings
  • Dream Interpretation


Pros and Cons

  • A wide range of specialist psychic advisors for every spiritual topic
  • Readings available in a variety of languages.
  • Phone readings, psychic chat and video readings are available.
  • Newly designed website.
  • A great reputation, they have been in business since 1999.
  • Email sessions are available.
  • You ALWAYS get the first 3 minutes of chat free when you try a new advisor
  • Satisfaction guarantee on your first reading
  • An additional 50% discount for new sign-ups
  • A thorough support section to answer all your FAQs
  • Kasamba psychics set their own prices based on availability and experience, and some can get up to $20+/minute
  • There’s no option to video chat or see your advisor
  • The first 3 minutes are free only when you choose a new advisor you haven’t worked with before- after that you pay their listed prices
  • With so many psychics to choose from, it can be hard to pick one!

Are Kasamba Psychics genuinely gifted or a scam? Are They The Real Deal or Not?

All of us are searching for a life that feels more fulfilling. One where we feel loved, inspired and supported.

So often, when we turn to those around us for help, we find more confusion.  It can be hard to find places where you won’t feel judged for your thoughts, your feelings.  Or confused about the pain that you’re going through.

You don’t have to keep up the guise of perfection when you’re speaking to a psychic. They can offer comfort and guidance from an impartial viewpoint. That’s the reason why so many people turn to Kasamba Psychics when they need some perspective!

Ready to try your first reading with an experienced psychic?
  1. Visit Kasamba Psychics.
  2. Choose a psychic who stands out to you.
  3. Sign up for an account and initiate your first chat or call.
  4. Get your first 3 minutes free with any advisor.
  5. There’s also a 50% off discount for new sign-ups!

You want to be sure though, that you’re choosing a psychic who can truly offer insight, and not just try to scam you! So we are taking a closer look at Kasamba Psychics to see whether or not they are genuinely gifted, or just a scam!

Can Kasamba Psychics help me for real?

It’s perfectly normal to want to seek out help from someone when you’re feeling confused, or stuck. Those vulnerable times are also when you can become susceptible to a scam or someone trying to take advantage of you.

Over 3 million readings performed at Kasamba

Kasamba is a place where you can find a psychic or spiritual advisor who you can actually trust. Since 1999, they have guided over 3 million people on their paths to true love, career success, and self-empowerment.

Many of the Kasamba psychics develop regular relationships with their clients.  The psychic’s accuracy and consistency in providing beneficial guidance assure a strong relationship.

Use a psychic to get out of your head!

The best Kasamba psychics can help you gain perspective outside of your own head. When you’re worried about love and relationships, your career, or any question you have about life a psychic can help.  You can be sure there’s a psychic there who has the right set of gifts to help you!

Convenient access assured

Kasamba also has a newly redesigned app that allows you to chat with your favourite psychic advisor over right through your phone! It’s convenient for access anytime, anywhere.

What do Kasamba Psychics specialise in?

Kasamba features a wide range of experienced and gifted spiritual psychics. These psychics can help you with any problem life throws at you! They are dedicated to helping you find your way to love and happiness.

They have a focus on fortune tellers, love and relationship psychics, astrologers, psychics, tarot card readers, dream analysis, career forecasts and more!

They even have some more obscure offerings if you’re looking for something very specific:


You can receive answers around any topics from the world’s largest religions. You can even make online confessions!

Palm readings

Amazing life details are hidden within the lines of your palms. These gifted psychic advisors can unlock their messages for you!


If you want answers and discussion on some of life’s most mysterious things there’s a Kasamba psychic who specialises in it!  Including abductions, ghosts, UFOs, and ESP.

Universal Laws

Are you curious about how to make the law of attraction work for you? Or how the Law of Vibration is creating your reality? Get advice from a Kambasa psychic on any of the universal laws


Numbers play a huge role in our understanding of ourselves, and even the symbols we receive from everyday life.  At Kasamba you can find a psychic skilled in interpreting your personal numbers.   You can also understand what these numbers say for your life.

Eastern Philosophy

Some of the Kasamba psychics specialise in Eastern philosophy. There’s a multitude of ancient wisdom right at your fingertips!

Past Life Readings

If you’re curious about who you were in the past.  Or want to know how your past influences your everyday life? Maybe you want to know if you have any karmic retribution to pay in this life for what you did in others? The Kasamba psychics who specialise in past life readings will provide you with interesting insights into your life.


This is one of the areas that can be the hardest to talk about. Even with those who are close to us in life. So seeking intimacy counsel from a Kasamba psychic is a great way to discreetly receive information about topics you may feel shame or taboo around.  Plus you receive the advice in a totally non-judgmental space. Kasamba has psychics who focus on Fertility and the Kama Sutra!


This area is really experiencing a resurgence recently. But Occult studies are part of the rich history of humanity. If you’re curious about Alchemy, Paganism, Spell Casting and more, there’s a gifted Kasamba psychic who can help you answer your questions.  They can also help you  explore new ways of viewing  the world


A lesser known area in intuitive studies, graphology looks at your handwriting to discover hidden subconscious cues about your personality and current state of being. There are a few graphology psychics at Kasamba.  They use your written word to discover if you have a creative touch you’re not using or a soul that wants some attention

Picture Readings

The energy of a person is easily captured even in a photograph. And when the photograph is read by an experienced Kasamba psychic, that photo will reveal a lot of secrets! This is a good way to gain information about someone else in your life who you’re having trouble communicating with. Get insight into their mind and the things they may not be telling you!

Financial Outlook

Finances are something many psychics don’t feel comfortable speaking about.  So you want to seek out the psychics who are experienced in this area. Kasamba Psychics has over 100 registered advisors who specialise in financial outlook.  This means that you can learn what to do for the best outcome for your personal circumstances.


You’ll find many answers hidden within the ancient tradition of Kabbalah. So it’s no surprise that the Kabbalah is centuries old. The Kasamba psychics specialising in Kabbalah can use the messages from spiritual text to help you bring peace, enlightenment, and prosperity in your life.

New Age Spirituality

From crystals to meditation, astral projection to simple living. Kasamba psychics skilled in new age spirituality can guide you in your everyday efforts to live a more joyful, empowered and spiritually fulfilling life!

How is Kasamba Psychics different than the other psychic sites?

  • Connect instantly! Kasamba Psychics offers a unique way to connect online with their real-time chat platform- it allows you and your psychic advisor to chat simultaneously. The connection is deep and intimate. You can simply type your questions in the chat window and see your advisor start working with you immediately!
  • Get your first 3 minutes free! This applies to any new advisor you choose, which is a unique offer just from Kasamba. Receive 3 minutes of your reading via chat or call free, so you can be sure you find the right one for you!
  • There’s also the option for off-line sessions, where you can submit questions via email to your chosen psychic advisor through a mailbox right in Kasamba. Once you agree upon the fee for the service you’re requesting, you’ll get an answer from them within 24 hours!
  • You’ll find specialists in all areas of spirituality and metaphysics, so you can get answers to literally any question you might have on your mind
  • The Kasamba Chat+ app allows you to connect with your chosen psychic advisor right from your phone!
Ready to connect instantly with a gifted Kasamba Psychic?
1. Visit Kasamba Psychics
2. Choose the psychic advisor for you
3. Add your credit card to get 3 minutes free
4. There’s also a 50% off discount for new sign-ups!
5. Start chatting from your phone or desktop computer, instantly!

What kind of questions should I ask in my psychic reading?

Open-ended questions, such as…

  • “What do you see ahead in my career?”
  • “Will I ever find love?”
  • “Why am I feeling blocked in my love life?”

…have pros and cons.

On one hand, these more general questions can open you up for broader perspectives and possibilities to come through from your chosen psychic advisor. Especially for those that turn to Spirit guidance or channel your guides directly, you never know what information may come through if you open up to receive guidance from a higher source.

Think about the questions you ask

But the answers you receive to these types of questions may also feel a little broad or vague because the questions you asked were as well. If you are seeking the bigger picture or a broader perspective, that can be perfect. So if you’re looking for details, asking an open-ended question like that can leave you feeling a little disappointed when you receive your psychic’s answers.

So, if you’re seeking specific answers, rather than more general guidance, make sure you ask more specific questions.

Specific questions like…

  • “Was taking this new job the best choice for me?”
  • “Is my current relationship serving me in becoming my truest self?”
  • “I’m feeling disappointed in my love life, what can I do to attract a better partner in my life?”

…will offer very specific answers for you. These can help you make better decisions, feel more confident and have faith in your path and where it’s headed.

Can Kasamba Psychics tell my fortune?

The future is changeable, depending on your actions in the present and every step you take from here. When you’re considering situations with others involved as well, that adds even more wildcards of possibility to the deck.

Your future is not set in stone, and there’s no way to give you 100% accuracy in knowing what will happen. There are Kasamba psychics who specialise in fortune telling to help you gain insight into which path to take, and how to create the future you most desire.

Many psychics have accurately predicted a client’s destiny

They look at the probability of your future occurrences, based on your current energy and trajectory. Many of them have accurately predicted their client’s destiny because they are so in touch with the energy that’s present, they can clearly see where it will be headed in the future.

So although you can’t be entirely sure their predictions will come to pass, the Kasamba Psychics can offer you a glimpse into the future that can inspire hope and encourage you to move forward towards your dreams.

Some of the best fortune telling psychics on Kasamba:

Golden Eye

One of the top-ranked experts on Kasamba, she is a fortune teller who specializes in love and relationships and career questions. Her readings help serve clients in difficult times and can offer ease and guidance when you’re feeling frustrated

Truth and Light

This Vedic astrologer and numerologist, professional spiritual healer, and stress consultant can look into your future to help you get unstuck when you find yourself in the eye of the storm.


David James

Working as a professional clairvoyant for the past 22 years, this fortune teller offers real answers for real people, helping give you swift guidance for any area in your life 


Can a Kasamba Psychic help me with my love life?

Love and relationship questions are one of the top reasons people come to Kasamba Psychics! Scroll through the advisor profiles under the love and relationships section, and you’ll find hundreds of different gifted advisors who can help in the areas of:

Breaking up & Divorce

A gifted psychic advisor can give you direction and hope, so you can make smarter decisions. Sometimes the hardest decisions are the ones that are best for us. A Kasamba Psychic can offer you guidance to navigate through the dark times.

Cheating & Affairs

Are you questioning if your lover is seeing someone else? Do you not feel you can trust them? Are you currently overcoming an affair? Or need help to release one you know is not healthy? A non-judgmental Kasamba Psychic can be an ear to listen to your struggles, and a voice to connect you with the answers you most need to hear.

Gay & Lesbian-Friendly

No relationships are off-topic or out of question at Kasamba Psychics, as many of their advisors explicitly state they run a judgment-free zone. The advisors in the love & relationships section are LGBTQ friendly, and there to offer guidance around any of your romantic or non-romantic relationship questions.

Marital Life

Lack of communication is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome in marital life, and a reading from a Kasamba Psychic can help reveal what the other person wants to say, but isn’t telling you. They can also guide you through any problems or struggles coming up, including financial worries, intimacy issues and how to keep the spark of love aflame.

Parents & Children

Romantic relationships can already be difficult, but when you add a child to the mix, it gets even more complicated. There are Kasamba Psychics who can help guide you through all the hurdles parenting can bring, as well as help give you more insight into your children’s emotions, needs, and unsaid desires.

Single & Dating

They make dating look so fun in movies, don’t they? But we all know, when you’re single and dating, there can be a lot of confusion that comes up. There are constant new relationship dynamics to sort through, as well as a flood of changing emotions in ourselves as we navigate through love. Kasamba Psychics can offer guidance as stress comes up so you can find happiness in your single life!

Soulmate Connections

Are you curious, about whether your current relationship is the one? Is there a twin flame out there waiting for you? Have you met your soulmate yet? The Kasamba psychics hear these sort of questions all the time! And there are some who specialise in soulmate connections. Know when to stay, when to go, and what could be waiting for you up ahead in your love life.

Some of the web’s best love psychics call Kasamba home!

The Kasamba Psychics Guarantees

Kasamba Psychics is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction! They have the guarantees to prove it.

  • Best match guarantee: Get 3 free minutes with each new advisor via chat or phone, to be sure you can find the right one for you
  • Satisfaction guarantee: Receive a refund of up to $50 on your first session if you’re not completely satisfied

Remember, a psychic’s predictions can’t be guaranteed because of the nature of free will!

The things you do today will affect the future that comes.

But a gifted Kasamba psychic will be able to guide you to answers, help you find options and make a decision that is aligned with your highest calling.

Growth and spiritual evolution can be difficult, Kasamba psychics are experienced in helping people when they are at some of the lowest or most confusing times in their lives.

Get help through the pains of growth.

No matter how bad today feels, a gifted psychic advisor can help you remember that tomorrow always comes. They can help direct you to the exact things you can do to ensure it’ll be a better day.

Have you ever tried Kasamba Psychics? What was your experience like?

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